Not This Again

Good Deeds

On Friday I was at work taking my break at about 7:30. I was sitting with a couple co-workers at a picnic table, when this large red bird flies into the chain link fence next to us. I could only see it from behind, and I couldn't tell what it was, but it had wedged itself between the fence and the barbed-wire that sits on top of the fence. The bird was an unfamiliar red hue, and it's feathers were quite ruffled. As I studied it from afar, it turned its head and looked towards us. At that instance I could tell that something wasn't right. The bird had a short, very curved beak, so I knew instantly that it was a tropical bird. This might not have been unusual, were it not for the fact that I live in Maine. On this night it was quite cool, and this bird could not have been comfortable. We guessed that he flew into the fence because he was disoriented from the cold.

At this point I felt rather sad for this bird. We couldn't do anything for it because we had to go in from our break, and I was quite sure that it would (eventually) die out there in the cold. So, as we went inside I told someone who was working in a different department and had more free time on his hands about the situation. I knew the bird must be someones pet, and there would have to be some way of finding it's owner.

As the night went on I slowly forgot about the bird, being that I was quite consumed with my work. Just a few minutes before the end of the night, the guy who I had told about the bird came up to me and told me that they had located the owner of the bird, and that it was safe. Apparently someone had lost the bird and put out an ad in the paper about it. It was a breeding bird, and was probably worth quite a bit of money. Helping to initiate the rescue of this bird was my good-deed for the summer.

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